
Family Feud game in chat interface

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  • why is the bot slow sometimes

    02 August 2016
    TLDR; The bot is fast enough, but it sending too many messages and Telegram limits this.
    I'll be focusing my effort on making it more efficient by rewriting the code.
    For now please bear with me. 

    Before answering the question let’s see the scale of what fam100 bot currently processed. all graph shown below is CEST time, for WIB add 5 hours

    user and player graph

    On the left side, you see that during peak there is about 500 active group/game with 2000 users playing at the same time. On peak, this means 2000 people are typing answer at the same time. Still this is not necessary the problem. How many message does the bot process?

    incoming message per day incoming message per day

    The left graph shows how many message processed per day within one week. It’s average about 6 million messages per day. The right graph shows how many message sent per seconds. On peak it process about 500 messages per second (that’s 3000 messages per minute). But how long is it to process a single message?

    incoming message per day

    The graph shows that on average it took about 170 microseconds to process a single message. This would amount to 5882 message per seconds. At 99th percentile, it took about 2.5 ms (this would amount to 400 message per seconds). So I believe, even with 10x the current load, the bot server will still able to process messages (assuming we can get the message fast enough from telegram). So it doesn’t matter if you try to rewrite the code in other language. At this scale, you will have the same problem.

    So if processing the message is not the problem, than what is? If you read the Telegram F.A.Q. you will see that telegram limit message to be sent about 30 messages per seconds. Sometimes the server even returns HTTP 429 (Too many Request). When that happened, the bot needs to wait a couple of minutes (I think it’s about 2 minutes) first before able to send messages again.

    You can clearly see it in the graph response time below.

    response time

    The orange (left axis) represent 95th percentile of how long it takes to send a single message, It’s stable around 250ms. The red one (right axis), at peak time a lot of requests takes more than 5 seconds (timeout). This is when the bot fails to send messages.

    The current solution for this problem is by dropping unimportant message such as

    joint confirmation answered

    The joint confirmation & answered notification is somewhat less important than the first message (question) and last message (all answers). So during peak time, this less important message is dropped.

    So what would be the permanent solutions? Currently, it’s not possible to run multiple bots due to the server limitation. So before that, I need to optimize message sending a bit more. The code is getting quite complex and convoluted. Adding more into it will not go for future maintainability. Thus I need to refactor the core code.

    So I’m going to rewrite big parts of the code. This will allow it to:

    • Handle more traffic
    • Sending more efficient message (by doing batching)
    • develop more feature (hint: real survey)
    • the core can be used to develop other game on Telegram

    But this is going to take some time. Especially when currently I’m doing this myself outside of my daily JOB :). So for now, please be patient and understand the circumstances since I’ll be focusing more effort on this and not add more question, correct spelling, feature, etc.

    So for now, please be patient and understand the circumstances since I’ll be focusing more effort on this and not adding more question or feature.

    Thank you for understanding

    PS: if you are a developer. I could need some help. just ping me

  • Mau ikutan bantuin famili100

    04 July 2016

    Mau ikutan bantuin menyusun atau menambah pertanyaan? Yuk gabung jadi kontributor.

    Harus ngapain aja ?

    • Mengusulkan pertanyaan dan atau jawaban.
    • Mensortir dan memilah pertanyaan dan jawaban yang ada.
    • Membetulkan pertanyaan atau jawaban yang salah eja

    Terus dapet apa aja?

    Basically nothing :) selain:

    • Kepuasan soal yang kamu bikin / perbaiki di mainkan olah lebih dari 30.000 pengguna di 6000 channel.
    • Nama kamu bakal dimasukan di list kontributor di web ini.
    • Beberapa dari kontributor akan memiliki akses lebih.

    Apa jumlah kontributor di batasi?

    Untuk saat ini ya.

    Apakah hal ini bersifat mengikat?

    Nope, semua bersifat sukarela dan untuk kesenangan bersama. Kamu boleh mulai dan berhenti kapanpun kamu mau.

    Bagaimana cara ikutan?

    1. Isi form http://goo.gl/forms/ZSpa9amCwlvscK2c2
    2. Pastikan kamu mengisi alamat email dengan benar, karena apabila terpilih kamu bakal dikirimkan info selanjutnya

    Saya ga pingin jadi kontributor tapi pengen nyumbang beberapa pertanyaan saja

    Gunakan form berikut http://goo.gl/forms/UumNjnYnyYye6ARe2

    Jika tidak ingin, kamu tidak perlu menginkutsertakan jawaban. Namun bila ingin, mohon cantumkan minimal 4 jawaban.

    Saya developer, ingin ikutan bantuin coding

    Silahkan baca disini